Arunita Sourav Sarkar

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Academic Classes / Class 2 Tuition / ICSE / ENGLISH-2 / English Grade-2

Arunita Sourav Sarkar

Female, 45 Years
Experience: 18 Years
   Bachelors of Arts from Burdwan university
Language Known: English, Hindi, Bengali
Mode of Class:
 One-to-One Classes
270 KlassCoins per Class (Individual Classes)
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Student's Reviews

By Several Parameters

In India English is taught as a foreign language. ICSE board has prepared a special syllabus to learn this language.


For attending this course, prior knowledge of Grade-1 English  is required, this course assumes that students have prior experience with all the topics of English  of Grade-1. This is not an introductory class for absolute beginners on English  of Grade-1. Participants should already be familiar with the basic learning objective.

Course Fee per Class (In KlassCoins) Duration Type
English Grade-2 270 11 Months Indiviual Classes

Hi I am Arunita Sarkar as a teacher I have more than 15 years of experience, currently working as mother teacher in a renowned CBSE school in Mumbai Maharashtra. To be associated with a dynamic organization which provides optimal learning opportunities to enhance career development and exploit potential abilities to achieve organizational goals for the benefit of the company and the individual. 


  • Subject Details:

    ENGLISH std 2, EVS std 2, MATHS std 2 STD 1 AND 2 EVS AND HISTORY 3 AND 4 Want to teach in a group

    Yes I create worksheets every week whenever I completed my chapters. Also provides notes .

  • Book Published Details:
    No data found.
  • Language Known:
    English, Hindi, Bengali
  • Total Experiance:
    18 Years
  • Listening & Questioning Skill:
    Very Good
  • Reading Skill:
  • Writing Skill:
    Very Good
  • Presentation Skill:
    Very Good
  • Online classes Experiance:
    42 hours
  • Award Recg:
    No data found.
  • Research Work:
    No data found.

Degree: Bachelors of Arts - University: Burdwan university

Degree: B.ED - University: Singhaniya

In India English is taught as a foreign language. ICSE board has prepared a special syllabus to learn this language.


  • Learning Objectives:


    Theme 1: Listening and Speaking

    Theme 2: Reading and Writing

    Theme3: Grammar and Vocabulary in Context


    As per PRESCRIBED book

  • Course Outline:

    Theme 1: Listening and Speaking

    • Engage in role play, skit and conversation;
    • Narrate/retell / relate a story with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speak
    • Audibly in coherent sentences;
    • Contribute meaningfully to a small group or class discussion to develop a topic;
    • Maintain focus on the topic being discussed;
    • Identify the key ideas from a text that is read aloud;
    • Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify, comprehend and gather
    • Additional information on the topic discussed;
    • Narrate stories / recite poems aloud with expression;
    • Produce complete sentences when assigned to task and situation in order to provide requested
    • Detail or clarification;
    • Use vocabulary in context to ask questions and provide information


    Theme 2: Reading and Writing

    • Interpret a picture using simple questions;
    • Comprehend a passage, describes the characters/ feelings and expresses/say how their actions
    • Contribute to the sequence of the events;
    • Rearrange pictures in a sequential order;
    • Recall and retell orally and write stories /folktales /myths from diverse cultures that relate to the
    • Text and those related to their own development.;
    • Read aloud / silently with comprehension;
    • Write answers to comprehension questions on reading and understanding the text;
    • Take dictation – three and four letter words and sentences;
    • Write stand-alone sentences of 8-10 lines on a given topic (e.g. “a visit to the zoo”, “class picnic”,
    • “my favourite food”, etc.);
    • Draw from and write about personal experiences or real life situations.


    Theme 3: Grammar and Vocabulary in Context

    • Recognise nouns as ‘naming words’, verbs as ‘action words’, adjectives as ‘describing words’,
    • Conjunctions (and & but) as ‘joining words’ and prepositions as ‘position words’ in context;
    • Learn the correct use of common and proper nouns, countable and uncountable nouns in context;
    • Apply the correct use of punctuation (including use of capital letters, commas and question
    • Marks;
    • Study the correct use of ‘myself’, ‘ourselves’, ‘him/ herself’, etc.;
    • Derive the meaning for a word from its context;
    • Use words and phrases and vocabulary appropriate to the age level;
    • Identify and use homophones, antonyms and synonyms etc. in context.
  • Recomended Audience:

    The audience of this course is students of Grade-2 from ICSE Board. All the Chapters are well designed and its coverage as per latest curriculum released by the board. Still Student have complete flexibility to enhance or modify the course coverage during the course of learning process with Teacher. We are expecting that students of Grade-2 should drive their classes with Teacher as per chapters mentioned and also as per syllabus of their school and applicable School district or Board.

  • Pre-Requisite Requirement:

    For attending this course, prior knowledge of Grade-1 English  is required, this course assumes that students have prior experience with all the topics of English  of Grade-1. This is not an introductory class for absolute beginners on English  of Grade-1. Participants should already be familiar with the basic learning objective.

  • Course Level:
  • Language of Teaching:
  • Class Schedule Availiability:

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