A. While Registrating yourself as Tutor or Student, please select the Group accordingly from dropdown text.
B. Enter your First Name, Last Name, Email-id in corresponding text boxes.
C. Enter Strong Password {Your password must be atleast 6 characters with following rules}
- 1. Must have atleast One UPPER CASE [A...Z] Letter
- 2. Must have atleast One lower case [a..z] Letter
- 3. Must have atleast One Special Symbol [!@#$%^&*()_]
- 4. Must have atleast Numbers [0..9]
D. Re-enter your Password for Confirm
E. Use Referral Code(if you have any, otherwise leave it blank): Reffral code will help you to get some rewards points during your registration with Klasszone.
F. Select your Country and Enter Correct Phone number to receive OTP messages and other Information messages related to multiple status update and communications messages.
G. Press "Send OTP" and once you will receive the OTP, Then please enter it for validation of your details.
H. Once Registred, the Verify your email and activate your profile with email activation. Search in "inbox", "junk folder", "all emails", "Spam folder" for email from "Klasszone".
I. After Email activation, You can Login to your dashboard with your email-id as username and with your password.
Congratulations !, You completed first initial step toward your success. Next Thing is to Approve your Teacher/Tutor Profile with Klasszone.