Nappinnai Gopinath

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Academic Classes / Class 2 Tuition / CBSE / MATH-2 / Maths grade-2 CBSE

Nappinnai Gopinath

Female, 40 Years
Experience: 2 Years
   Bachelors of Engineering from Anna University
Language Known: English
Mode of Class:
 One-to-One Classes
270 KlassCoins per Class (Individual Classes)
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Mathematics is that subject that requires a lot of practises. It focuses on basic geometry, shape and sizes, fundamentals of arithmetic and number principles, as well as working with larger numbers.

Students must have knowledge of Class 01 Mathematics concepts

Course Fee per Class (In KlassCoins) Duration Type
Maths grade-2 CBSE 270 11 Months Indiviual Classes

Hi, I am Nappinnai Gopinath from Chennai TamilNadu. I am basically an Electronics and Communication Engineer(B.E). I have 2 years experience in taking offline home tuitions from grade 1 to 7 in maths. Also I have 1 year online experience in taking one on one classes. I have taken online coding classes for kids from age 4 to 14 across the globe 

I have more experience in coding as a coding tutor who teaches kids the basics about coding and make them do innovative projects in scratch. I also have expertise in maths where I have taught kids and have made them score good marks in the subject. 

My Career goal is : "Teaching gives satisfaction more than anythingelse. I want to enlighten a child's life by sharing my knowledge"

My Interest and hobbies are cleaning, listening to music and watching TV

  • Subject Details:

    I can take coding classes for kids in scratch,scratch Jr, Roblox. I have around 2.5 years experience as an online coding tutor. Also I can take Maths for grades 1 to 7 (CBSE) board one on one classes. I can teach maths according to the kids understanding. My teaching experience is offline 2 years and online 1 year.

    My talent is I can make a child be more attentive to the class by doing the class more interesting and also by doing some ice breakers. I was the topper in the my Class 10 Board exams in Maths and Science. Also, whever I take the class, I used to give daily homeworks on the topics covered each day which makes the child more easier to learn.

  • Book Published Details:
    No data found.
  • Language Known:
  • Total Experiance:
    2 Years
  • Listening & Questioning Skill:
    Very Good
  • Reading Skill:
    Very Good
  • Writing Skill:
    Very Good
  • Presentation Skill:
  • Online classes Experiance:
    250 hours
  • Award Recg:
    No data found.
  • Research Work:
    No data found.

Degree: Bachelors of Engineering - University: Anna University


Mathematics is that subject that requires a lot of practises. It focuses on basic geometry, shape and sizes, fundamentals of arithmetic and number principles, as well as working with larger numbers.

  • Learning Objectives:

    Chapter 1: What is Long, What is Round?

    Chapter 2: Counting in Groups

    Chapter 3: How Much Can You Carry?

    Chapter 4: Counting in Tens

    Chapter 5: Patterns

    Chapter 6: Footprints

    Chapter 7: Jugs and Mugs

                Chapter 8: Tens and Ones

    Chapter 9: My Funday

    Chapter 10: Add our Points

    Chapter 11: Lines and Lines

    Chapter 12: Give and Take

    Chapter 13: The Longest Step

    Chapter 14: Birds Come, Birds Go

    Chapter 15: How Many Ponytails?

  • Course Outline:

    Chapter 1

    What is Long, What is Round?

    This chapter will discuss the size and properties of a number of different things. Students are tasked with recognising things based on a set of predetermined criteria.

    Chapter 2

    Counting in Groups:

    This chapter explains the concept of a pair as it relates to group counting. Shoes and earrings are presented as illustrative examples here. In addition to that, it incorporates the idea of distinguishing more or less.

    Chapter 3

    How Much Can You Carry?

    In this chapter, a pictorial illustration demonstrates how to calculate the mass of an object. The identification and comparison exercises make up the practice exercise.

    Chapter 4

    Counting in Tens:

    In this chapter, adding and subtracting figures based on their tens place value is included.

    Chapter 5


    In this chapter, you will practice the fundamentals of analytical reasoning by locating patterns of designs and shapes that are similar to one another.

    Chapter 6


    The identification abilities of students are the primary focus of this chapter. An important part of the practice is identifying the animals to which each set of footprints belongs. Students are also required to write the names of the shapes that they are given.

    Chapter 7

    Jugs and Mugs:

    It is written in the form of a story, and its purpose is to acquaint the students with the common objects that are used in our everyday lives.

    Chapter 8

    Tens and Ones:

    The concept of the place value of different numerals is covered in this chapter. Only tens and ones will be discussed in this chapter because that is all that will be needed. The majority of the practice amounts consist of stories.


    Chapter 9

    My Funday:

    This chapter reviews the fundamental idea that each day of the week is distinct from the others. Students will face a somewhat greater challenge in the portion of the practice exercise in which they are asked to determine which days come before and after a specific date.

    Chapter 10

    Add our Points:

    Students are given their first taste of the fundamentals of mental mathematics in this chapter.

    Chapter 11

    Lines and Lines:

    Several positions of lines, including standing lines, sleeping lines and slanting lines are discussed in detail here. In addition to that, it clarifies curved lines.

    Chapter 12

    Give and Take:

    Using counting beads as a visual aid, the concepts of addition and subtraction with higher numbers are demonstrated. There are also synopses of the stories included in this chapter.

    Chapter 13

    The Longest Step:

    This chapter provides an introduction to length and distance. It makes use of the fundamental ideas that children already understand about long and short in their vocabulary.

    Chapter 14

    Birds Come, Birds Go:

    In this chapter, the exercise in the narrative incorporates a variety of different aspects, such as patterns, counting, carryover addition and so on.

    Chapter 15

    How Many Ponytails?

    The students are given brief reading passages on numbers, and they are required to answer the questions that follow them.

  • Recomended Audience:

    Students who are currently in Class 02 in CBSE Board. 


  • Pre-Requisite Requirement:

    Students must have knowledge of Class 01 Mathematics concepts

  • Course Level:
  • Language of Teaching:
    English, Hindi
  • Class Schedule Availiability:

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